This is my first Artist Trading Coin.

I have been admiring them on Instagram
& as I like working on a small scale,
I thought I would have a play.
Mine has a 2½ inch diameter,
using an MDF round surface from That's Crafty.
My inspiration was my Blue Wings piece made last month,
for which I had used an old DVD
with images from Shawn Petite,
which I had altered slightly.

To the right hand side, you can see the leftover printed paper,
text & numerals.
Here are both pieces together so you can compare the sizes.
The bird image is from The Graphics Fairy,
which I had printed off to use in my Mini Book.
I think I will use the rest of my coins
(as there were 10 in the set from That's Crafty)
to use up leftovers from future projects.

I have been admiring them on Instagram
& as I like working on a small scale,
I thought I would have a play.
Mine has a 2½ inch diameter,
using an MDF round surface from That's Crafty.
My inspiration was my Blue Wings piece made last month,
for which I had used an old DVD
with images from Shawn Petite,
which I had altered slightly.

To the right hand side, you can see the leftover printed paper,
text & numerals.
Here are both pieces together so you can compare the sizes.
The bird image is from The Graphics Fairy,
which I had printed off to use in my Mini Book.
I think I will use the rest of my coins
(as there were 10 in the set from That's Crafty)
to use up leftovers from future projects.