This piece is for the challenge on
Collage Obsession. I used the image provided
(click here to view) & the chosen word for this week which was
I was rather indulgent with my layers & additions & had to stop myself from adding any more or make any more changes as I was getting carried away ...
... but I did have fun!

So here goes ...
a pair of paper clips, a pair of flowers, a pair of postcards, a couple dancing, a pair of hearts on the brads, a girl needing someone else to play with, because everyone knows you need two for tennis, a pair of ribbons & not forgetting the challenge image of the old couple posing for their photograph.
Some of the elements were layered twice & I'm sure there are more pairs in there somewhere!
The couple from the original image looked so stern & unaffectionate, that I of course went for the soft romantic reds & pinks, with a few hearts thrown in for good measure. It has a feel of a pinboard, with memories of past travels.
Credits go to:-Sandi Krieger for her World Traveller & Travel Papers digital kits which were available at Two Peas in a Bucket
(does that make a pair of kits & a pair of peas?)
The Graphics Fairy for the postcard images & other photographs used
Shabby Princess for the many elements used from their
Amore collection, the flowers from
Dinner Party & paper clip from
Express Yourself