It's been a different year. A year of coming together, of things falling into place & making sense. A year of quality not quantity.
Art Journal
I have thoroughly enjoyed developing my altered book art journal; incorporating past projects, playing with colour, texture & new products. My favourite layout is this one.
Maybe because it's the most recent one or because it resulted from a creative workshop in which I gained the confidence to draw or because my oil pastels finally got put to good use.
I only have one set of pages left to fill, so early in the New Year I will need to find a new source of inspiration ...
Altered Art
My favourite project is my altered frame . It took time & patience to complete. It used some of my favourite papers & created the perfect setting for my steampunk Twinchie.
Altered Media
I really enjoy altering unwanted CDs (or more accurately DVDs). I have surprised myself in choosing my favourite. The Valentine decoration is pink & fluffy ... not really me!
Something new for this year is altering matchboxes. I love the small scale & the challenge of working three dimensionally.
I can't choose a favourite, so click here to see them all.
Inchies played a large part of my crafting again this year. The Inchie Alphabet has to be my favourite.

To see a slideshow of this set, please click here.
Digital Art
With one of my favourite colour schemes, this digital collage easily wins it's place in my heart.
Greeting Cards
I have always struggled when making cards to give to my friends & family. I suppose it's to do with the internal struggle of making something to please someone else, rather than creating to please myself. Does that sound selfish? Anyway, so earlier this year I gave up the battle, being happy to buy them instead.
Of those I did make, my favourite is this Easter card.
I love the combination of colours & the shape of the bunny. I liked it so much, I altered a cd into a hanging decoration, so I could have the bunny on display over the Easter period.
I didn't realise how little scrapping I had done this year! With only one layout

& one project to show.
My Winter Snowflake mandala currently decorates my work space. It sparkles as the light catches the gems & glitter, brightening the dark Winter days.