The first page to show you in my Wreck this Journal is a simple one, using two pages.
Make a paper chain
Tear Strips - Rip it up!
I cut one page into strips & fed them through slits cut in the other.
Front of page |
Close up |
Back of page |
Then I used some pages for a Brave Girls Club class.
I previewed their Soul Restoration class two weeks ago & was left in rather a quandary.
I suppose that is the problem with a preview,
of only catching a glimpse of the whole course.
So, how could I draw value from this small portion?
I walked away from the course & came back just before the end of my two week preview.
Well actually it was in the middle of the night.
One of those times, when you wake up & your mind is in full flight.
I grabbed my pad & noted down what my subconscious was trying to tell me.
When I reread my notes the following morning, it all fell into place
& I realised how I could create something meaningful to me.
So to begin with, here is a two page spread of the labels that we give ourselves.
Some of which could be honestly considered to be true & of course,
some of which are total rubbish,
but we hear ourselves using them anyway.
I used
Compost this page. Watch it deteriorate.
Here I dug down deep to bury the negative words,
the words that I no longer want to hear myself saying.
Once they start to deteriorate, to decay & turn into compost,
transforming themselves into something of value,
they will feed my Truth trees,
which will grow & flourish with the positive words.
The theme for Soul School this month is
Still Becoming
in which Melody talks about leaving behind parts of us
which we no longer want to take forward into the future,
so this has turned out to be quite apt.
The trees are made from one of the Brave Girls Club graphics,
with the other words printed from the class PDF.
We should all be kinder to ourselves.
Next I took half of
Do a really UGLY drawing
(not sure where the other half has got to)
(Wipe your feet, Jump up and down)
I printed off the two sides of my personality traits.
One page shows weak elements of my personality;
those which I need to be aware of & try to avoid,
& the other shows the strong elements (& those which I mustn't forget).
I used a lovely image from Melody, with a slight change to her clothing,
just to make her my own,
together with the MY WEAK SELF & MY STRONG SELF emblems.
Turning the page, we find the Truth prompts,
methods for keeping my weak areas in check
& turning them into strengths.
This spread includes the page
Fill this page with circles
This page contains advice to myself.
In addition to my own text, I have used another of Melody's images,
this time unaltered, together with the word box
all of me is
from the class PDF, finishing up with the lovely word image, used earlier for the trees.