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29 August 2020

To thine own self be true

Week 35 in my
Mellow Kraft

The journal prompt
this week from
France Papillon was
patterns in me.

The image of the girl
is from Kasia Avery.

She is running a free four day
Colour Confidence course
over this Bank Holiday weekend.

I used patterned paper
from Glenda Waterworth &
K-ology Addison patterned paper
from K & Company
& images from
the Graphics Fairy
(butterfly & ladybird).

There are photo corners
by Paperchase,
doodles with a Sakura Pigma pen,
words cut from an old novel,
printed text &
washi tape.

Quotation from Shakespeare's Hamlet.

There were lots of ladybirds
in our garden this week.
red with black spots,
black with red spots.

21 August 2020

Taking a Moment

Week 34 in my
Mellow Kraft

The journal prompt
this week from
France Papillon was
life patterns.

I used patterned paper
from Glenda Waterworth &
K-ology Addison patterned paper
from K & Company,
a butterfly image from
the Graphics Fairy
& a Tim Holtz Paper Doll.

There are photo corners
by Paperchase,
a dictionery definition,
printed text &
washi tape.

15 August 2020

Happiness is ...

Week 33 in my
Mellow Kraft

The journal prompt
this week from
France Papillon was
journal patterns.

The words are based around
a quotation by Mandy Hale.

"Happiness is letting go
of what you think
your life is supposed
to look like
& celebrating it
for everything
that it is

If this pandemic has taught us one thing,
it is that the future is always uncertain.

Plans have been rearranged,
postponed & cancelled.

Daily life is very different
& there is still no end in sight.

What certainty we do have
is only in the here & now,
the present moment.

To reflect this on my journal page,
I first altered the colour of the butterfly
then inverted the image
to create the large butterfly.

The same, but different,
as we adjust to the new normal.

It has been a very hot week,
daytime temperatures over 30C,
nights over 20C.

I used patterned paper
from Glenda Waterworth
& images from
the Graphics Fairy.

There are photo corners
by Paperchase,
printed text &
washi tape.

05 August 2020

First Thoughts

Week 32 in my
Mellow Kraft

A new month means
a new journal theme from France Papillon
which for August is

The first prompt is
first thoughts,
so mine jumped straight to
the template I had designed to use
for this journal.

I used patterned paper
from Glenda Waterworth
& K-ology Addison patterned paper
from K & Company.

The images are from
the Graphics Fairy.

A new month also means
a new design focus for my journal,
which for August is

There are also
photo corners by Paperchase,
a dictionary definition,
words from an old novel,
printed text &
washi tape.

This week we have been reminded
to keep washing our hands,
to wear a face covering
inside shops & museums
& to keep our distance
from other people.

Finally some doodles.