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31 December 2015

A look back at 2015

At this time of year, as one draws to an end
& another begins to unravel, I like to reflect on my creative work.

I tried several different things, but there are two projects which stand out for me.

I joined in with ICAD this year, on my own terms,
but still following the general idea & prompts.

Here is a short video of the thirty-six index cards that I made.

If you are interested in learning more, just click on the ICAD2015 tag.

The second was a year long project of my own, which I called Waddington Weekly.

Here is a short video of all fifty-two altered playing cards.

If you are interested in learning more, click on the link above or on the Waddington Weekly tag.

I have a few ideas for 2016, but nothing certain as yet.

Blogs per se seem to be fading into obscurity,
but mine has always been about being a place where I just record my art projects,
like an art journal.

Visitors may be few & far between,
but I will continue to leave it as an open resource.

I have enjoyed my creative journey this year
& am looking forward to seeing what adventures 2016 brings.

30 December 2015

Don't lose your head

My final altered playing card in my
Waddington Weekly
which I began at the beginning of this year,
using selected poems from Poem for the Day One

This week I have chosen a poem by Rudyard Kipling.

If you can dream and not make dreams your master

If you can think and not make thoughts your aim

Here are all fifty-two altered playing cards.

23 December 2015

Poets you may know

For my
Waddington Weekly
altered playing card project this week, I have chosen a poem by Francis Thompson.

From stones and poets you may know,

Nothing so active is,

as that which leasts seems so.

16 December 2015


Altered playing card number 50 of my
Waddington Weekly
project uses a few lines from a poem by Jorge Luis Borges.

everything is part of that diverse
Crystalline memory, the universe;

Whoever through its endless mazes wanders
Hears door on door click shut behind his stride

09 December 2015

Tread softly

A poem by W B Yeats is my choice for this week's
Waddington Weekly
altered playing card.

I have spread my dreams under your feet;

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

The image of the shoe is from The Graphics Fairy.

04 December 2015

Just Enough

The Soul School class by Melody Ross at Brave Girl University for December is entitled

You are Enough

I have made another small folder to keep all the artwork & notes in. 

You are Enough Soul School Class
Copy of Melody's Art

Journal Prompts
Pocket for Truth Cards
The Truth Cards will be kept on display all month on my desk,
until I make a new set in January. They will then be kept in the pocket.

Truth Cards

02 December 2015

The Lonely Sea

Starting the countdown to the end of this year long project,
Waddington Weekly
my altered playing card this week
uses a few lines from a poem by John Masefield.

I must go down to the sea again,
to the lonely sea and the sky

And all I ask is a tall ship
and a star to steer her by.

I added Glossy Accents by Ranger to create a star.