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27 January 2015

Colour in my World

I have again combined two weeks of challenges & prompts
from The Documented Life Project in my Journal.
The Art Challenges for week 3 & 4 are
Week 3.  The Colour Wheel 
Week 4.  Writing
& the Journal Prompts are
Week 3.  "I found I could say things with colour & shapes that I couldn’t say any other way" Georgia O’Keefe
Week 4.  Words with Friends
I have taken a step back to a project I made inspired by Michelle Ward. 
In My World in Colour & Words
I created my own set of colours, attached a meaning, then named them.

Building on from week 1 & 2, I first covered the blank pages with handwritten paper;
a ledger & a letter,
then covered in a layer of gesso.

Once dry, I added my coloured shapes & a quote from Marc Chagall

"All colours are the friends of their neighbours & the lovers of their opposites".

Be free to be yourself

I have used printed text & elements, gesso,
white paint pen, black pens & coloured tape.